Portal:State Exam Topics in Hygiene and Epidemiology (1LF, GM)

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PLEASE NOTE that the examination questions below are a version valid BEFORE the academic year 2012/2013. Current list of questions is available on the Faculty Student Information System (SIS).

  1. Health Issues of Traffic Emissions.
  2. Environment and health. Effects on the Population’s Health Status..
  3. Health Effects of Air Pollution on Man.
  4. Environment Pollution and Human Exposure, Biological Monitoring.
  5. Primary and Secondary Emissions, Imissions. Emergency Situations.
  6. Exposure of Man to Dust and Aerosols; Health Hazards, Prevention.
  7. Hygienic Issues of Solid Wastes
  8. Carcinogenicity of chemical substances and of physical factors in the environment. IARC Classification.
  9. Genotoxic Substances, their Effect on Health.
  10. Maximum Admissible Concentrations of Harmful Substances. Combined and Complex Exposure to Harmful Substances in the Environment.
  11. Issues of Day Lighting, combined illumination. Visual Stress.
  12. Issues of Artificial Illumination, Typical Sources. Visual Stress.
  13. Joint Lighting, Glare.
  14. Types of Noise, Adverse Effects on Humans.
  15. Units Describing Human Noise Load in Living and Working Environment. Adverse Noise Effects, Prevention and Protection.
  16. Microclimate (temperature, humidity, air velocity) and its effect on health.
  17. UV Radiation Types, Ozone Layer Depletion, Prognosis of its Evolution.
  18. Biological Effects of UV Radiation, Protection.
  19. Biological Effects of Non-ionizing Radiation (thermal, non-thermal). Typical Sources, Health Protection.
  20. Laser Issues. Types, Use, Health Hazards, Health Protection.
  21. Ionising Radiation (basic terms, stochastic and non stochastic effects).
  22. Adverse Effects of Vibrations on Humans, Prevention.
  23. Hygienic Requirements on Working Environment, Categorization of Working Operations, main Parameters and Criteria.
  24. Risk Analysis at Work, Health Risk Assessment and Management.
  25. Physiological Evaluation Methods of Work and Thermal Organism Loads. Types of Work. Work of Special Groups (pregnant women, adolescents, elderly people, and disabled persons).
  26. Exposure Assessment at Work. Exposure Limits.
  27. Workplace Visits, Consultation Activities of a Physician for Enterprise, Health Promotion.
  28. Medical Fitness-for-work Assessment, Preventive Medical Examinations.
  29. Work Load and Musculoskeletal Disorders.
  30. Toxic Metals in Living and Occupational Environments.
  31. Organic Solvents in Working Environment. Chemical Safety Report.
  32. Professional Hazard in Health Services.
  33. Health Issues in Agriculture.
  34. Chemical Compounds in Buildings (sources, health risks, prevention).
  35. Biological Risks in Buildings (types, adverse health effects, prevention).
  36. Radon.
  37. Health Risks in Indoor Environment. Sick Building Syndrome.
  38. Hygiene and Epidemiology. Basic terminology, history, definition.
  39. Misuse of Addictive Substances (especially alcohol, medical and illegal drugs).
  40. Epidemiology of Tobacco Dependence - prevalence, morbidity, mortality in the Czech Republic and globally.
  41. Different Forms of Tobacco Use.
  42. Tobacco Dependence Prevention.
  43. The Role of Health Professionals in Tobacco Dependence Treatment, Treatment Possibilities
  44. Life Style and Cardiovascular Diseases, Risk Factors.
  45. Stress, Importance for Health. Mental Hygiene.
  46. Current Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Population.
  47. Assessment of Nutritional Status of Population Groups and Individuals.
  48. Role of Various Food Groups in Human Nutrition.
  49. Role of Lipids and Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition (sources, excess, deficiency).
  50. Role of Protein in Human Nutrition (sources, excess, deficiency).
  51. Role of Minerals in Human Nutrition (Ca, P, Mg, Na, K): sources, excess, deficiency.
  52. Role of Trace Elements in Human Nutrition (Fe, J, Cu, Cr, F, Se, Zn): sources, excess, deficiency.
  53. Fat Soluble Vitamins (sources, role, excess, deficiency).
  54. Water Soluble Vitamins (sources, role, excess, deficiency).
  55. Role of Micro-organisms in Foods.
  56. Food Contaminants (xenobiotics).
  57. Child Feeding; Importance of Breast-feeding.
  58. Alternative Diets.
  59. Diseases Caused by Excess or Deficiency of Nutrients (especially obesity).
  60. Food Safety Requirements at Catering Establishments Including Health Facilities.
  61. Soil Health Risks. Health Issues of Children Sand Pits, Natural Swimming Places and Swimming Pools.
  62. Drinking Water - quality requirements. Bottled Water.
  63. Individual Sources of Drinking Water. Water Treatment in Emergencies or Field Conditions.
  64. Mass water Supply. Drinking Water Issues in the Czech Republic.
  65. Water Related Health Hazards.
  66. Allergens in the Environment. Health risks, prevention possibilities.
  67. Epidemiology of Accidents; Prevention Possibilities.
  68. Basic Health Indicators (morbidity, incidence, prevalence, mortality, fatality rate).
  69. Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
  70. Descriptive Studies.
  71. Analytical Studies.
  72. Experimental Studies.
  73. Population Sample, Statistical Induction Principle
  74. Measures of Central Tendency and Variability. Normal (Gaussian) Distribution
  75. Fourfold and Contingency Tables
  76. Association, Correlation and Regression Measuring
  77. General Procedure of Hypotheses Testing, Level of Significance
  78. Attributable and Relative Risks, Odds Ratio
  79. Requirements at Examination Methods, Sensitivity, Specificity, False Positivity, False Negativity
  80. Primary Prevention of Common Chronic Diseases
  81. Malignant Tumours – Trends in Incidence, Mortality. Role of Cancer Registries
  82. Risk Factors of Cancer, Prevention Possibilities
  83. Process of Infection Propagation: Characteristics
  84. Source of Infection
  85. Process of Infection Propagation: Transmission of Etiologic Agents
  86. Susceptible Organism in the Process of Infection Transmission
  87. Alimentary Infections
  88. Airborne Infections
  89. Vector-born Infections
  90. Infections of Skin and Superficial Mucosa
  91. Blood Transmitted Infections
  92. Anthropozoonoses
  93. HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
  94. Nosocomial Infections – Prevention, Repression
  95. Risk Factors of Nosocomial Infections
  96. Preventive Anti-epidemic Measures
  97. Anti-epidemic Measures in the Focus of Infection, Surveillance
  98. Sterilization - importance, methods
  99. Disinfection - importance, methods
  100. Active and Passive Immunization, Vaccine Types
  101. Immunization in Your Country
  102. Immunization in the World - Current Problems
  103. Immunization in Traveling Medicine
  104. Evidence Based Medicine, Role of Epidemiology – Evidence Hierarchy
  105. Risk Factor and Confounding Factor, Definition and Examples