WikiLectures is a project focused on creating and storing medical study materials. It's being developed for students and teachers of all medical faculties. It's a part of the project MEFANET – network linking medical schools in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
WikiLectures are:
- Universal – They contain original articles, notes, prepared exam topics, guides for practitioners, and even study books.
- Dynamic – WikiLectures are constantly growing. The articles are written by medical students, faculty professionals and doctors. The administration and security is provided by the editorial board.
- Open – Anyone can create articles and contribute to WikiLectures. In order to provide the information all around the world, our texts are released under Creative Commons license. Texts in WikiLectures must never violate copyrights.
- Recent – Editting and updating the information is very simple in WikiLectures. Everyone can edit an article and anyone can improve the texts. This is reason why articles in WikiLectures are kept up to date.
- Reliable – Articles in WikiLectures are regularly checked by editors and experts in various branches of medicine. Articles checked by teachers are always marked by a special sign
Principles of WikiLectures
Although the rules and recommendations in Wikipedia apply largely to creation of any scientific text and, in most cases, it is advisable to follow them while editing WikiLectures too, the authors should keep in mind the ultimate goal of utilization of their text for educational purposes at medical faculties. Hence, the articles should be designed in a most effective form in order to facilitate their future use in educational process. For more information about which articles are suitable for WikiLectures, read help for articles.
Because the education must follow the latest trends in scientific research, sometimes it is needed to use data from original published research too (i.e. using of primary information is allowed). Of course a critical approach towards inclusion of primary research has to be kept, data must be verifiable and their source has to be always cited. Reliability of the data should be always reviewed by the competent specialist. In justified cases, an expert view of a particular topic can appear at WikiLectures, still respecting the principles outlined above.
Community of WikiLectures is much smaller than the community of Wikipedia. Correction of potential mistakes and updating of articles through mechanisms common in Wikipedia, i.e. voluntariness and large number of members, might not always be prompt enough. That is the reason why WikiLectures will remain bound to faculty structures to ensure their technical and factual administration.
Editorial board
Editors of WikiLectures take care of promoting the authors, editorial process contributions, technical support, WikiLectures structure and ensure the safety of the project. If you are more interested in working on WikiLectures, join our team.
List of the editors, head editors and administrators can be found in contacts.