
From WikiLectures

Competition poster

Competition – The Best Article at WikiLectures

WikiLectures competition was held from 2 February to 30 March 2012 and seventeen articles were submitted. Eleven editors evaluated these articles and the results are published in the table below.

Article Evaluation (1=not very good, 5=best)
Influenza Virus 4,7
Common variable immunodeficiency 4,4
RNAs, Structure and Function 4,0
The Major Histocompatibility Complex, HLA 3,9
Pancreatic Hormones 3,9
Goodpasture Syndrome 3,7
Requirements at Examination Methods 3,6
Prion 3,6 (suspicious copyvio)
Fat Soluble Vitamins 3,6 (suspicious copyvio)
Attributable and Relative Risks, Odds Ratio 3,5
Tobacco Dependence Prevention 3,5 (image copyvio)
Epidemiology of Tobacco Dependence 3,5 (image copyvio)
Food Safety Requirements at Catering Establishments 3,1 (image copyvio)
Granuloma 3,1
Hypothesis Testing 2,9
Blood 2,3 (text copyvio)
Repair and regeneration 1,0 (not finished)

Final Results

Which articles will win? We decided to award these articles:

  1. Influenza Virus (by Pourgouri89)
  2. Common variable immunodeficiency (by Rollen)
  3. RNAs, Structure and Function (by Panayiotis Stavrou)
  4. The Major Histocompatibility Complex, HLA (by Panayiotis Stavrou)
  5. Pancreatic Hormones (by Satrax)
  6. Goodpasture Syndrome (by Honkytonk)
  7. Requirements at Examination Methods (by Nablay)
  8. Attributable and Relative Risks, Odds Ratio (by Nablay)
  9. Granuloma (by Honkytonk)
  10. Hypothesis Testing (by Nablay)

These articles will be awarded:

  • 1st prize: gift cards to Megabooks worth 5000 CZK
  • 2nd prize: gift cards to Megabooks worth 3000 CZK
  • 3rd prize: gift cards to Megabooks worth 2000 CZK
  • 4th–10th prize: WikiSkripta 2 GB mini USB flash drive


We would like to thank all the participants who have written their articles. You helped WikiLectures to be useful place for thousands of students!

We hope that this copetition was a motivation for some of you to write more articles about medical topics to help other students. This project is open for everyone who wants to contribute!