Exudative interstitial inflammations

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Inflammation is a phylogenetically established response of the organism to the action of a harmful substance. It has a defensive and reparative function. It manifests locally and overall.

Composition[edit | edit source]

It has parts:

  • alterative
  • exudative
  • proliferative
  • immune

Exudation is the formation of an inflammatory effusion, exudate. Expansion of capillaries, increased permeability for proteins (albumins, globulins, fibrinogen) , erythrocytes and cells of the inflammatory infiltrate ( neutrophils , macrophages , lymphocytes , plasma cells , capillary endothelial cells , fibroblasts ). According to the predominant component, the exudate is: serous, fibrinous, purulent, serofibrinous, hemorrhagic...

Serous interstitial inflammation[edit | edit source]

Serous exudate – clear, straw-yellow, thin fluid.

Example: hives , allergic reactions (tongue, lip after wasp, bee sting).

Suppurative interstitial inflammation[edit | edit source]

Purulent exudate - viscous, thick liquid, whitish-yellow, yellow-green, blue, red. It destroys tissues - collicative necrosis !

Abscess[edit | edit source]

Abscess is a cavity filled with pus, a circumscribed form.

acute chronic – bounded by a pyogenic (pus-forming) membrane Healing: the fistula collapses , the cavity either collapses and scars or does not collapse (e.g. in bone), the pyogenic membrane will still produce pus and the fistula becomes chronic (risk of secondary amyloidosis ).

Cause: Staphylococcus .

Phlegmon[edit | edit source]

Phlegmon is an acute unbounded form of inflammation that spreads in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and other soft tissues. The tissue is sludgy and oozing droplets of pus. It manifests as a widespread, warm, red to red-purple spreading edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which is not as sharply demarcated as in erysipelas and is much more painful.[1] It often arises as a complication of small wounds and abrasions in children. It is also among the postoperative complications of wound healing.

Course: the tendency to healing is minimal, rather it spreads.

Cause: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus [2].

Fibrinous interstitial inflammation[edit | edit source]

The bearings are microscopic, they are not visible.

Examples: rheumatic fever , polyarteriitis nodosa , lupus .

Healing: minor scars.

Gangrenous interstitial inflammation[edit | edit source]

Rotting, gray-green, foul-smelling, decaying tissue.

Examples: appendicitis , tumors , aspiration pneumonia (inhaled rotten tooth, piece of tumor).

Course: the appendix bursts and the patient dies of stercoral peritonitis , he also dies of lung gangrene .

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References[edit | edit source]

  • STŘÍTESKÝ, Jan. Patologie. 1. edition. Epava, 2001. ISBN 80-86297-06-3.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. MUDR. ČAPKOVÁ, Štěpánka. Hnisavé kožní infekce (pyodermie). POSTGRADUÁLNÍ MEDICÍNA. 2009, vol. 6, no. 10, p. 38-43, ISSN 1212-4184. 
  2. MUDR. ČAPKOVÁ, Štěpánka. Hnisavé kožní infekce (pyodermie). POSTGRADUÁLNÍ MEDICÍNA. 2009, vol. 6, no. 10, p. 38-43, ISSN 1212-4184.