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Transfferin is a transport protein for iron. It is a complex formed by the protein apotransfferin and two irons atoms. Transfferin is found in the plasma, where it ensures the transport of iron to the tissues. In addition, apotransfferin is secreted by liver cells into the bile and drains through the bile into the small intestine. Here, apotransfferin absorbs iron from food to form transfferin and the entire complex is absorbed into the enterocytes. Apotransfferin belongs to the group of β-globulins, its amount in plasma is approximately 3 g/l.[1]

The level of transferrin in the serum rises when there is a lack of iron in the body. However, if iron deficiency is accompanied by hypoproteinemia, the transferrin level will not rise. The level of transferrin in the serum decreases with an excess of iron (hemosiderosis, osteomyelofibrosis etc.) and with insufficient proteosynthesis in the liver. A slight decrease is accompanied by an acute load (negative reactant of the acute phase).[2] increased iron transferring saturation hemochromatosis.

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  1. ŠVÍGLEROVÁ, Jitka. Transferin [online]. [cit. 2010-11-13]. <>.
  2. RACEK, J. Klinická biochemie. first edition. Galén – Karolinum, 1999. pp. 64. ISBN 80-7262-023-1.