Renal failure (neonatology)
Renal failure in newborns is a life-threatening condition caused by acute or gradually developing impairment of kidney function. Acute kidney failure is significantly more common in newborns.[1]
Acute kidney failure (acute kidney injury, AKI) is a condition accompanied by a sudden decrease in glomerular filtration. There is no clear definition of ARF in newborns, but from a practical point of view kidney damage can be considered if the creatinine level does not decrease after birth or if the creatinine level > 130 µmol/L (> 1.5 mg/dl) persists. According to diuresis, AKI can be divided into oliguric (diuresis < 1 ml/kg) and non-oliguric (diuresis > 1 ml/kg). AKI can also be accompanied by completely normal diuresis (ie 1-3 ml/kg/h), for example in newborns after asphyxia. In newborns, prerenal failure is the most common type, while renal and postrenal failure are less common.[2][3] Acute kidney failure can progress to chronic failure.
Acute Renal Failure[edit | edit source]
Pathophysiology[edit | edit source]
- Prerenal causes
- occurs as a result of impaired kidney perfusion, which leads to deterioration of normal kidney function;
- causes: bleeding, dehydration, septic shock, congestive heart failure, patent Botall duct (PDA), necrotizing enterocolitis, respiratory distress syndrome, hypoxia, congenital heart defects, hypoalbuminemia, perinatal asphyxia, ECMO and hypotension, drugs: indomethacin ibuprofen, ACE inhibitors; drugs used by the mother: NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, COX-2 inhibitors.
- Renal causes
- arises as a result of structural kidney damage that leads to renal tubular dysfunction;
- causes: acute tubular necrosis (most common; causes are prolonged kidney hypoperfusion, ischemia or hypoxia, sepsis, cardiac surgery - transfusion of blood derivatives, aminoglycosides, NSAIDs, amphotericin B, contrast agents, acyclovir), congenital kidney defects (bilateral renal agenesis, polycystic kidney disease, congenital nephrotic syndrome, renal hypoplasia/dysplasia), vascular lesions (bilateral venous/arterial renal thrombosis, cortical necrosis, DIC), infections (congenital syphilis, toxoplasmosis, candidiasis, pyelonephritis) and toxins (myoglobinuria, hemoglobinuria).
- Postrenal/obstructive causes
- arises as a result of obstruction of the urinary tract;
- causes: posterior valve of the urethra, strictures and stenosis of the urinary tract, etc.[3]
Clinical picture[edit | edit source]
- positive family history
- oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia (in severe oligohydramnios)
- palpable resistance when palpating the abdomen
- reduced diuresis
- Prune belly syndrome, meningomyelocele, Potter facies.[3]
Diagnosis[edit | edit source]
- insertion of a urinary catheter
- serum level of urea and creatinine
- urinalysis: osmolality, sodium and creatinine (serum vs. urine)
- blood count (sepsis, thrombocytopenia - renal venous thrombosis), serum potassium level (increased in renal insufficiency), urine examination (hematuria - renal venous thrombosis, tumors, DIC; pyuria - urinary tract infection)
- fluid challenge: i.v. crystalloid bolus and then furosemide bolus - if diuresis does not increase, look for obstruction proximal to the bladder (ultrasound), once obstruction is ruled out intrinsic renal failure is the most likely cause
- imaging methods: abdominal ultrasound.[3]
Treatment[edit | edit source]
- treatment of the underlying cause
- fluid balance, compensation of fluid losses
- monitoring of serum sodium and potassium levels (risk of hypoNa and hyperK)
- protein intake restriction < 2 g/kg/day
- monitoring of phosphorus and calcium levels (risk of hyperP and hypoCa)
- correction of metabolic acidosis - chronic oral bicarbonate supplementation at pH < 7.25 and serum bicarbonate level < 12 mmol/l
- blood pressure monitoring (risk of hypertension)
- peritoneal dialysis (method of choice), hemodialysis, hemofiltration.[3]
Chronic renal failure[edit | edit source]
Causes[edit | edit source]
Clinical picture[edit | edit source]
- failure to thrive, accidental detection of elevated serum creatinine level
- increased excretion of sodium in the urine - tendency to hyponatremia
- arterial hypertension.[2]
Treatment[edit | edit source]
- ensuring sufficient energy supply (optimally 150-180 kcal/kg/day)
- uremia leads to loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, therefore nasogastric tube feeding is often necessary
- substitution with sodium bicarbonate to achieve a plasma bicarbonate level of 22-24 mmol/l
- in case of hyponatremia and failure to benefit from NaCl supplementation
- calcium supplementation (Ca gluconicum) to maintain a normal plasma level of phosphorus.[2]
Pictures and Videos[edit | edit source]
Prerenal failure (video).
Renal failure (video).
Postrenal failure (video).
References[edit | edit source]
Related Articles[edit | edit source]
- Acute renal failure (pediatrics) • Chronic renal dysfunction (pediatrics)
- Renal failure • Acute renal failure • Treatment of acute renal failure • Chronic kidney disease
- Kidney • Nephron • Kidney function • Kidney function in maintaining acid-base balance