
From WikiLectures

Diuresis generally means the excretion of urine . It is usually used in a special sense: urinary excretion rate , i.e. the amount of urine excreted per unit of time. Unless otherwise stated, diuresis is usually given in liters per 24 hours. In many cases (e.g. when calculating different types of clearance), the rate of urine excretion is given in milliliters per second.

The average diuresis of an adult is around 1.5 l/24 hours. Excretion of more than 2.5 l/24 hours ( polyuria ) is usually considered excessive.[1]. Oliguria is a condition in which the amount of urine is low, usually 500 ml/24 h is considered as the limit.[2].

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  1. Maxdorf sro  Polyuria  [online]. Big medical dictionary online, [cit. 2019-07-01]. < http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/lexikon-pojem/polyuria-3>.
  2. Maxdorf sro  Oliguria  [online]. Big medical dictionary online, [cit. 2019-07-01]. < http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/pojem/oligurie >.