Patella reflex

From WikiLectures


The patellar reflex ranks among the proprioceptive reflexes on the lower limb with L2–L4 root innervation. The examination of the patellar reflex is performed at 90° flexion of the lower limb in the hip and knee, by striking the patellar ligament with a hammer, i.e. striking between the patella and the attachment of the quadriceps femoris muscle to the tibia. The physiological response is the adequate extension of the lower leg.[1]

Patellar Reflex - physiological findings in Czech (Centrum elektronického vzdělávání 1.LF UK)


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  1. ROTH, Jan – FIALA, Ondřej – RŮŽIČKA, Evžen. Neurologické vyšetření - norma [online]. [cit. 2012-11-22]. <>.