Methods of nuclear medicine in oncology

From WikiLectures

Scintigraphy[edit | edit source]

  • 'Positive scintigraphy' - deposit accumulates radiopharmaceutical (hot deposit);
  • 'negative scintigraphy' - deposit accumulates less (cold deposit);
  • uses nuclides with a short half-life ( 99m Tc - 6h, 111 In - 67h, 67 Ga - 3.3 days).

Skeletal scintigraphy[edit | edit source]

Liver and spleen scintigraphy[edit | edit source]

  • Colloids trapped by RES, pathological deposits in liver appear as "cold";
  • however, the defects were not less than 2 cm.

Thyroid scintigraphy[edit | edit source]

  • Sodium pertechnetate.

Octreotide scintigraphy[edit | edit source]

Immunoscintigraphy[edit | edit source]

  • Radiolabelled Ig (against CEA, etc.).

Single photon emission tomography (SPECT)[edit | edit source]

  • Spatial distribution of radiopharmaceuticals in tissue, more accurate assessment of shape and size;
  • resolution less than CT;
  • PET is considered more preferable.

Positron emission tomography (PET)[edit | edit source]

PET / CT pelvis: Increased metabolic activity in the lymph node (left) and near the sigmoid colon (right)
  • Assessment of metabolic activity in tissues;
  • uses positron emitters ( 15 O, 13 N, 11 C, 18 F), have a very short half-life , must be produced on site ( 'cyclotron y' );
  • only fluorine can be transported ( 'FDG - fluoroureoxyglucose' );
  • FDG accumulation indicates metabolic activity (distinguishes active tumor from residual fibrotic tissues).


Source[edit | edit source]