Cluster headache/ PGS/ diagnostics

From WikiLectures

Template:PGS The pain is whipped, of very strong intensity, the patient cannot stand lying down and has to walk. They often appear at night. They are located temporally or periorbital, unilaterally and are accompanied by lacrimation, nasal secretions and Horner's syndrome. Pain tends to accumulate within a few days of the year, often in the spring and fall. The diagnostic criteria are in the table:

Diagnostická kritéria cluster headache
A. At least 5 attacks meeting criteria B-D
B. Intense unilateral orbital, supraorbital and / or temporal pain lasting 15-180 minutes
C. At least one of the following pain symptoms:
D. Attack frequency 1-8 times daily
E. Anamnesis, neurological examination, or ancillary examination methods do not indicate secondary headache , or secondary headache is present, but the cluster headache did not occur for the first time in connection with this disease
  • Oxygen inhalation, sumatriptan, is used therapeutically for corticosteroids.
  • We differentially diagnose the dissection of the carotid artery event at the first discovery and rupture of the aneurysm. We perform MRI, MRI AG, angiography, ultrasound.

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