Types of wounds

From WikiLectures

A wound is a violation of the connection of the skin, mucous membrane or other tissue. For the wound, we describe the localization, size, shape, direction, edges and depth of the damage.

Distribution of wounds[edit | edit source]

Wounds can be divided into:

  • simple – they only damage the surface layers;
  • complicated – they also damage deep structures and organs;
  • penetrating – they penetrate into body cavities.

According to contamination of the wound with dirt, we divide:

  • clean wounds;
  • mechanically contaminated wounds;
  • aseptic wounds (i.e. biologically clean);
  • 'infected wounds;
  • poisoned wounds by various poisons (chemical, animal);

Types of wounds according to the type of damage:

  • cut wound (vulnus scissum) – caused by the pressure and pull of a sharp object, bleeding and burning pain;
  • secant wound (vulnus sectum) – caused by the impact of a sharp object, even deeper structures can be bruised;
  • puncture wound (vulnus punctum) – caused by penetration of a sharp object deep into the body, risk of damage to deep structures and organs and infection;
  • gunshot wound (vulnus sclopetarium);
    • projectile wound;
    • shrapnel wound;
  • bite wound (vulnus morsum) – can mimic a stab wound or contusion, infection and poor wound healing often occur;
  • contusion wound (vulnus contusum) – caused by compression of soft tissues between a solid object and a person's own skeleton;
  • laceration wound (vulnus lacerum) – caused by pulling and subsequent tearing of the skin, it bleeds little.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • ZEMAN, Miroslav. Chirurgická propedeutika. 2. edition. Grada, 2000. 524 pp. ISBN 80-7169-705-2.