
From WikiLectures

Tetania is a syndrome of increased irritability CNS and PNS caused by changes in ion concentrations in ECT.

  • Neuromuscular excitability = (Ca 2+ × H + × Mg 2+ ) / (K + × PO 4 2- × OH - ).

Causes[edit | edit source]

Hypocalcemic tetany[edit | edit source]

Normocalcemic tetany[edit | edit source]

Manifest tetany[edit | edit source]

  • Classically, it manifests itself in three forms:
    1. recurring generalized tonic cramps in patient s full consciousness - starting at the fingertips and spreading cranially;
    2. carpopedal spasm (tonic wrist flexion, finger extension, thumb adduction into the palm), spasms are very painful, paraesthesia persists between seizures - increased irritability of peripheral nerves of the limbs;
    3. laryngospasm - laryngeal muscle spasm, loud strenuous inspiration, dyspnoea, cyanosis.

Latent tetany[edit | edit source]

  • It manifests itself as a so-called spasmophilia - a tendency to convulsions;
  • manifests as convulsions after ischemia or after electrical or mechanical irritation.
  • It shows various symptoms:
    • Chvostek sign - tap in front of the ear on n. & Nbsp; VII → the corner twitches;
    • Lust's symptom - phenomenon of nerve peronei - tapping over the proximal head of the fibula → lifting of the lateral edge of the foot;
    • Trousseau's symptom - inflate the cuff of the tonometer on the arm, it ischemic to the nerves of the arm - spasm.

Differential diagnostics[edit | edit source]

Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Zdroj[edit | edit source]

Kategorie:Pediatrie Kategorie:Fyziologie Kategorie:Patofyziologie