Puerperal fever

From WikiLectures

Template:Infobox - disease Puerperal fever is a septic condition arising from endometritis (purulent or putrefactive) following childbirth or abortion - endometritis post partum, abortum.

Causative agents[edit | edit source]

The most common causative agent is β-hemolytic streptococcus, staphylococci or anaerobes (Clostridium welchii, C. tetani).
Streptococcus pyogenes as a common causative agent of puerperal fever (blood agar)

Infection entry pathway[edit | edit source]

The most common route of infection is via the cervix, most often during unprofessional childbirths or criminal abortions.

Pathogenesis[edit | edit source]

After birth of the placenta, the inner surface of the uterine cavity appears as a large open wound covered with clots – bacteria easily attach and multiply creating a purulent infection (macroscopically the uterus is enlarged, the mucosa is hemorrhagic, pus-covered, with necroses, during putrid endometritis it is covered with smelly gray-green masses and during infections with gaseous anaerobes(Clostridium perfringens seu welchii)the gas accumulates in the uterine cavity- so-called physometra).

Inflammation can spread further:

  • To the muscle of the uterusmyometritis (phlegmona of the smooth muscle, sometimes creating abscesses), then to the parametrium and perimetrium – blood and lymphatic vessels are affected in all layers, leading to peripheral pyemia.
  • Into the uterine tube – purulent salpingitis – from here it spreads into the peritoneal cavity (milder pelveoperitonitis, or severe diffusedperitonitis).
Salpingitis - intermed mag.jpg

Complications[edit | edit source]

  1. Resorption of toxins and putrefactive products.
  2. Generalization of infection (septicopyemia to sepsis).
  3. Peritonitis.

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