Osteoarthritis - conservative treatment

From WikiLectures

  • There is no therapy for primary arthrosis because it has an unknown etiology.
  • Prevention of secondary OA – early detection and treatment of VVV and other diseases.
  • Basic rules of treatment – ​​daily exercise, weight reduction, diet and sport.

Physical therapy[edit | edit source]

  • It does not cure, it only dampens the unpleasant reactions that accompany it.
  • The basis of this therapy is physical activity, hydrotherapy, massages, heat or cold treatment, ultrasound, magnetotherapy.
  • Effective rest therapy, Priessnitz compresses – apply a cloth soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours, the limb must be up, after removing the compress, leave the limb in dry heat (best before going to bed).
  • In the later stages, we use orthopedic aids - sticks, crutches.

Drug therapy[edit | edit source]

NSA[edit | edit source]

  • Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects, over 200 preparations.
  • They inhibit COX, COX-1 but protects the gastric mucosa, COX-2 is induced during inflammation.
  • Various gels and ointments with anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects - Heparin, Hirudoid, Voltaren,...

Corticosteroids[edit | edit source]

  • Most often, intra-articular applications or spraying of painful tendons and ligaments.
  • They reduce the formation of synovial effusion and relieve pain.
  • KI – inflammation, virus, TB.
  • We must not apply intratendinous (danger of rupture).
  • We usually use them when other treatments do not work and the patient is not indicated for surgery.

New anti-arthrosis drugs[edit | edit source]

  • These are so-called slow-acting substances (SADOA - slow acting drugs of osteoarthrosis) - chondroprotectants (for young people, in the initial stages) - hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate.

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