Forum:Seminar papers/Biophysics/2. LF/2018-2019/Group 6/GL

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Forum:Seminar papers/Biophysics/2. LF/2018-2019/Group 6/GL

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MCQs for Lasers and Microscopy

1.     Which of the following microscopy mode is described by the following: „the flow of electrons passing through the object and electron optics forms an image directly on a fluorescent screen“?

a)     Scanning electron microscopy

b)    Transmission electron microscopy

c)     Confocal microscopy

d)    Stereo microscopy

Answer = B

2.     Lasers can be utilized in all of the following except:

a)     Dermatology

b)    Excising a tumour

c)     Change the shape of the cornea

d)    They can be used in all of the above

Answer = D

3.     Ultra-microscopy is used for which of the following:

a)     Observation in the dark field

b)    Increasing the limit of resolution of a microscope

c)     Utilizing birefringence 

d)    Converting heat energy to electric energy

Answer = A

4.     Image quality in electron microscopy depends on which of the following:

a)     Electron optic system

b)    Quality of vacuum

c)     stability of electron lenses

d)    all are important for image quality

Answer = D

5.     Which of the following are components of a transmission electron microscope:

a)     high voltage supply

b)    electron gun

c)     fluorescent screen

d)    all of the above

Answer = D

6.    Which of the following pairs of lasers can both be pumped only optically?

a.    Gas and solid lasers 

b.    Solid and liquid lasers

c.    Liquid and gas Lasers

d.    Argon and CO2 lasers

Answer: choice B

7.    The word LASER is an acronym which stands for

a.    Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

b.    Light Attenuation by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

c.    Light Amplification by Stimulated Excitation of Radiation

d.    Light Attenuation by Stimulated Excitation of Radiation

Answer: Choice A

8.    Which is the frequency of X-rays?

a.    10^18

b.    10^10

c.    10^-10

d.    10^-8

Answer: Choice A

9.    What is the smallest resolution of the human eye?

a.    2 mm

b.    0.2 dm

c.    0.2 mm

d.    0.2 nm

Answer: Choice C

10.  In which of the following microscopy techniques can Tyndall's Phenomenon occur?

a.    Ultramicroscopy 

b.    Monochromatic Microscopy

c.    Microradiography

d.    Inverse Microscopy

Answer: A