Extrapyramidal syndromes

From WikiLectures

The extrapyramidal system' includes the basal ganglia and their connections, the trunk nuclei (nucleus ruber), the somatomotor part of the reticular formation and the associated ascending and descending pathways. It ensures body posture and momentum.[1]

Hypokinetic extrapyramidal syndromes[edit | edit source]

These syndromes are characterized by "hypokinesia, bradykinesia to akinesia" and associated "hypophasia to aphasia". Muscle rigidity is present. A "crouched" position of the body, hands and feet, reduced mobility of facial muscles and indistinct movements during speech are typical.

Searchtool right.svg For more information see Hypokinetic extrapyramidal syndromes.

Hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndromes[edit | edit source]

They are characterized by abnormal involuntary movements. Includes:

Searchtool right.svg For more information see Hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndromes.

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  1. {{{1}}}