Burker chamber

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(Redirected from Bürker chamber)

Burker chamber

Bürker's chamber is a special glass slide. It is used when determining the number of red or white blood cells.

Dimensions of Bürker's chamber[edit | edit source]

  • Depth is 0,1 mm.
  • The grid is formed by a system of small squares (with side a=0.05 mm, the volume of the space bounded by this type of square is therefore 1/4000 mm 3 ) and large squares (with side a=0.2 mm, the volume of the space bounded by this type of square is i.e. 1/250 mm 3 ).

Principles of using the Bürker chamber[edit | edit source]

  • Drop the Blood onto the edge of the coverslip with a Pasteur pipette and let it flow into the chamber (do not drip directly into the chamber!).
  • When determining the number of erythrocytes , we subtract the number in 80 small squares..
  • When determining the number of leukocytes , we subtract the number in 50 large squares.

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