Artery development

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Formation of blood vessels[edit | edit source]

Vasculogenesis[edit | edit source]

  • Formation of vessels from blood islets;
  • Mesoderm cells induced to transform into hemangioblasts under the influence of FGF2 (Fibroblast growth factor 2);
  • Hemangioblasts in the center of the islets differentiate into hemopoietic stem cells, peripheral into angioblasts (precursors of endothelial cells) under the influence of VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor);
  • The first blood islets appear in the 3rd week in the areas of:
    1. Extraembryonic splanchnopleura (yolk sac wall)   first occurrence;
    2. Extraembryonic somatopleura (chorionic plate);
    3. Cardiogenic region;
    4. Germinal stem.

Angiogenesis[edit | edit source]

  • Formation of new blood vessels by budding under the influence of VEGF.

Development of arteries[edit | edit source]

  • Vasculogenesis results in the formation of a primary watercourse - includes the dorsal aorta and the cardinal veins;
  • at first we find two dorsal aortas, which later join in the middle part of the embryo, remaining divided only in the anterior and posterior parts;
  • the anterior dorsal aortas are related to the formation of the aortic arches;
  • posterior dorsal aortas give rise to aa. iliacae communes.

Aortic arches[edit | edit source]

  • They connect the saccus aorticus and dorsal aortas;
  • is related to the formation of gill arches - they form in the 4th-5th week;
  • 6 pairs in total, the fifth is rudimentary;
  • they arise gradually – we never find all of them at once in the embryo (by the time the third aortic arch is formed, the first one already disappears).

Derivatives of the aortic arches[edit | edit source]

  1. Aortic arch;
    • For the most part it disappears, the remaining section is a. maxillaris;
  2. Aortic arch;
    • for the most part it disappears, the remaining section is a. stapedia and a. hyoidea;
  3. Aortic arch;
    • a. carotis communis is formed from the proximal section, from which a. carotis externa grows;
    • from the distal part the proximal part of the a. carotis interna is formed (the distal part of the internal carotid artery originates from the dorsal aorta);
  4. Aortic arch;
    • the right one creates the proximal part a. subclavia dextra (the distal part originates from the dorsal aorta and from the 7th intersegmental artery);
    • arcus aortae is created from the left one;
  5. Aortic arch;
    • rudimental, in 50% of cases it is not created, in 50% it disappears immediately;
  6. Aortic arch;
    • on the right proximal part a. pulmonalis dextra is formed, the distal part disappears;
    • a. pulmonalis sinistra is created from the left proximal section, from the distal part ductus arteriosus.

With the creation of the 6.  arotic arch; the position is closely related to n. laryngeus recurrens, which innervates the derivatives of the 6th laryngeal arch:

  • after the descent of the heart, the recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around the 6th  aortic arch and rises to the larynx;
  • on the right, due to the disappearance of the 5th  arch and the distal part of the 6th  arch, it turns around a. subclavia dextra;
  • on the left it turns around the ductus arteriosus.

Branches of the dorsal aorta[edit | edit source]

Ventral branches[edit | edit source]

  • Aa. vitellinae – merge to form the arteries of the dorsal mesentery of the intestine:
    1. truncus coeliacus (supplying the distal section of the foregut);
    2. a. mesenterica superior (midgut supply);
    3. a. mesenterica inferior (hindgut supply);
  • aa. umbilicales (later backs down from aa. iliacae communes, postnatally as aa. vesicales superiores and ligamenta umbilicalia medialia).

Dorsal branches[edit | edit source]

  • Aa. intersegmentales (a. vertebralis, aa. intercostales, aa. lumbales, aa. sacrales laterales...);
  • a. subclavia is formed from the 7th intersegmental artery (entirely on the left, only the distal section on the right).

Aa. coronariae[edit | edit source]

  • Originating from the cells of the epicardium;
  • muscle comes from the epicardium and neural crest cells.

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Used literature[edit | edit source]

  • MOORE, Keith L. Zrození člověka : embryologie s klinickým zaměřením. 1. edition. Praha : ISV, 2002. 564 pp. ISBN 80-85866-94-3.
  • SADLER, Thomas, W. Langmanova lékařská embryologie. 1. české edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, a.s, 2011. 414 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-2640-3.