
From WikiLectures

  • MKN-10: „Voajérství“ (skoptofilie) F65.3

It is a sexual deviance in which the deviant gets excited and shows himself by secretly following an appetizing object during intimate erotic (cuddling, coitus, masturbation) and non-erotic (changing clothes, bathing, urinating or defecating) activities, while not intending to reveal their presence and contact the objects they are stalking. Spying (like exhibitionism) belongs mainly to the male sexual repertoire. Stalking belongs to sexually deviant manifestations that can occur even in the course of completely conventional sexual socialization. Along with exhibitionism and pathological sexual aggression, flirting belongs to the family of pairing disorders. It is focused on an anonymous object with which the deviant has no tendency to communicate and establish a relationship. Deviation differs from ordinary erotic stalking primarily in its motivational urgency and range of manifestations. A typical slider is forced to indulge his deviant tendencies on a regular basis. There are minimal possible problems with the surroundings. From time to time, such a man is caught, for example, somewhere around hostels, dormitories and similar facilities. It seems that stalking is mainly done by young men, as we rarely see these deviants over the age of 35.

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Author: doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc. (head of Sexuologického ústavu 1. LF a VFN)

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