Tonsilla lingualis (SFLT)

From WikiLectures

Tonsilla lingualis HE[edit | edit source]

Tonsilla lingualis 9.jpg

Description: 1 - crypt, 2 - fibrous capsule, 3 - mucinous glands, 4 - secondary lymphatic follicles, 5 - stratified squamous epithelium, non-keratinized.

Tonsilla lingualis HE[edit | edit source]

1280px-Tonsilla lingualis.jpg

Description: 1 - lumen of the oral cavity, 2 - stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium, 3 - follicle-associated epithelium with loosened intercellular junctions penetrating lymphocytes (FAE), 4 - mucinous glands, 5 - fibrous septum with vessels, 6 - secondary lymphatic follicle, 7 - germinal center of the follicle, 8 - lymphocytic mantle of the follicle.

Tonsilla lingualis HE[edit | edit source]

Tonsilla lingualis 2.jpg

Description: 1 - crypt lumen, 2 - stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium, 3 - lymphatic follicle, 4 - mucinous salivary glands, 5 - outlet of salivary glands, 6 - FAE.

Tonsilla lingualis HE[edit | edit source]

Tonsilla lingualis 04.jpg

Description: 1 - lumen of the oral cavity, 2 - stratified non-keratinized squamous epithelium, 3 - secondary lymphatic follicles, 4 - interfollicular T-dependent zone.

Tonsilla lingualis HE - detail na lymfatické folikuly[edit | edit source]

1280px-Tonsilla lingualis 5.jpg

Description: 1 - the germinal center of the secondary lymphatic follicle, 2 - the mantle zone of the sec. lymph. follicle, 3 - stratified squamous epithelium of the oral cavity, 4 - lumen of the oral cavity, 5 - interfollicular T-dependent region.

Gastrointestinal tract[edit | edit source]

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