Sex-linked inheritance
Inheritance related to sex chromosomes exists in three types – X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive and Dutch, i.e. Y-linked.
This is fundamentally a deviation from Mendel's laws - the monitored gene is not located on the autosome, but on the gonosome.
Inheritance gonosomally dominant[edit | edit source]

- women are affected twice as often as men (they can inherit the disease from both parents)
- affected person has at least one affected parent = vertical type of inheritance
- typical diseases:
- vitamin D resistant rickets
- incontinentia pigmenti
- gametes combination XY and mutated = incapable of further development → one part of males does not develop → arise:
- 2 parts female: 1 part male
- ← shift in the sex ratio
- For clarity:
- a heterozygous woman has affected sons and daughters with a 50% risk
- the affected man has all his daughters affected and his sons are healthy (they have Y from him)
Sick mother |
| |||||
X A | X | |||||
X | X and X | XX | ||||
Y | X AND Y | XY |
Sick father |
| |||||
X | X | |||||
X A | X and X | X and X | ||||
Y | XY | XY |
Inheritance gonosomally recessive[edit | edit source]

- trait linked to a chromosome = practically only men are affected − women are only carriers (healthy – mostly)
- a man is hemizygous for the gene, so he only needs one chromosome for the disease, while a woman would have to inherit the diseased allele from both parents
- typical diseases:
- hemophilia A, B
- Daltonism (color blindness)
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy - fatal under 20 years of age ( dystrophin production defect )
- For clarity:
- women (heterozygotes) are carriers of the disease
- a typical GR family tree shows the characteristic skipping of one generation, i.e. that the affected male has all carrier daughters (healthy heterozygotes) and all healthy sons (they get Y from the father)
- sons of carrier women have a 50% risk of disability
Carrier mother |
| |||||
X a | X | |||||
X | X and X | XX | ||||
Y | X and Y | XY |
Sick mother |
| |||||
X a | X a | |||||
X | X and X | X and X | ||||
Y | X and Y | X and Y |
Sick father |
| |||||
X | X | |||||
X a | X and X | X and X | ||||
Y | XY | XY |
In the case of a combination of a carrier mother and a sick father, half of the daughters and sons are sick, half of the daughters are carriers and half of the sons are healthy.
- a typical family tree with generation-skipping – a sick father has only healthy sons and carrier daughters, who in turn can have sick sons
Deviations from the normal pedigree[edit | edit source]
Lyonization[edit | edit source]

- changes on the X chromosomes, one of which is inactive = genes will not manifest in the phenotype
- inactivation during embryonic development − it is random which of the X chromosomes will be inactive
- the resulting phenotype of the heterozygote, therefore, depends to some extent on how the lyonization took place (partial manifestation of the disease in carriers)
Gonosomal inheritance Y = Holland type[edit | edit source]
More detailed information can be found on the Dutch Inheritance page .
- the Y chromosome is acrocentric = the centromere is near the end = the smallest chromosome in the human karyotype
- no hereditary disease transmitted through the Y chromosome has yet been found
- area for male sex determination (on short arms) − near it lies the SRY area ← is responsible for spermatogenesis