Radiodiagnostic examination of the esophagus and the stomach

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Skiagraphy[edit | edit source]

The esophagus can only be displayed on a plain image if it is pathologically altered.

  • With large hiatal hernia , an oval formation with a surface may appear in the heart shadow
  • You can also see a significantly enlarged esophagus with food residues in achalasia.
  • During perforation of the esophagus, a pneumomediastinum is formed, which creates a double contour around its edge, or pneumocolum.
  • A large gastric bubble with a surface is displayed during gastric "distension".

Skiagraphy[edit | edit source]

Although sciascopy is partly replaced by endoscopic examination, it still has a range of indications.

  • Swallowing and esophageal X-ray: X-ray examination of the esophagus with a barium contrast medium under sciascopic control. It is possible to prove, for example, diverticulum , hiatal hernia, esophageal varices and reflux esophagitis also have a characteristic picture . Oesophageal X-ray is a key examination for tumorous stenoses when planning interventional treatment - the introduction of an esophageal stent.
  • Esophageal X-ray with an aqueous contrast agent: It is indicated, for example, in post-operative conditions to exclude anastomosis leakage and assessment of its patency, but the evaluation is indicative. This test is also indicated if a bite is suspected in the esophagus (eg herringbone).
  • Gastric X-ray: This examination is almost completely replaced by endoscopy . But for example, the extent of tumor infiltration and ulcers can be assessed.
  • Videofluoroscopy: A special examination for swallowing disorders, where the act of swallowing is recorded with a high time resolution (20 fps) for the functional evaluation of the individual phases of swallowing.

Ultrasonography[edit | edit source]

Ultrasonographically, you can see the part of the esophagus to the left, behind the thyroid gland. The stomach can also be visualized, but there is a very limited evaluation: the back wall may not be fully visible for the filling. Gastroesophageal reflux in neonates and infants can also be seen on USG, but the use of this method is not currently recommended due to its low specificity. [1]

Endoscopic ultrasonography[edit | edit source]

Endoscopic ultrasonography has as a very good resolution for pathologies on the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and the surrounding area (pancreas, nodes).

Computed tomography (CT)[edit | edit source]

Esophageal CT is most often performed during tumor staging. Just before starting the examination, the patient swallows a sip of contrast medium, to visualize the lumen. CT of the stomach is performed after an oral intake of 500-1000 ml of water, which ensures its good distension.

Angiography[edit | edit source]

Angiographic examination is usually indicated with a view to interventional performance in bleeding, where endoscopy has failed, and a high risk of surgery.

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Reference[edit | edit source]

  1. VANDENPLAS, Yvan – RUDOLPH, Colin D. Pediatric gastroesophageal reflux clinical practice guidelines: joint recommendations of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) and the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr [online]2009, y. 49, vol. 4, p. 498-547, Available from <>. ISSN 0277-2116. 

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