Pubic bone

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Os pubis
HE A02.5.01.301
Articulating bones druhostranná os pubis, acetabulum, os ischii
Type of articulation symphysis pubica- cartilaginous connection

The os pubis consists of three parts:

  • The body, the corpus ossis pubis, is located at the symphysis and thus participates in the ventral boundary of the foramen obturatum;
  • the upper arm, the ramus superior, connects the symphysis with the acetabulum;
  • The lower arm, the ramus inferior, continues caudally from the symphysis and dorsally, meeting the ramus ossis ischii.
Pelvic bones: 1 – os sacrum , 2 – os ilium , 3 – os ischii , 4 – os pubis

Structures of the pubic bone[edit | edit source]

Facies symphisialis
a roughened patch on the ventromedial side of the bone, to which the pubic symphysis is attached
Symphisis pubica
which connects the right and left pubic bone
Pecten ossi pubis
pubic crest, cranial
Pubic tubercle
symphysis bump, pubic ridge ending
Sulcus obturatorius
groove on the ramus superior, through which the eponymous nerve and blood vessels run
Phalica crest
Rough line ventromedially to the ramus inferior, here clamp erectile bodies in both sexes, in men it is more noticeable.

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Bibliography[edit | edit source]

  • PETROVICKÝ, Pavel, et al. Anatomie s topografií a klinickými aplikacemi : Pohybové ústrojí. 1. edition. Martin : Osveta, 2001. 463 pp. vol. 1. ISBN 80-8063-046-1.
  • ČIHÁK, Radomír – GRIM, Miloš. Anatomie. 2., uprav. a dopl edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2002. 470 pp. vol. 2. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.