Physical therapy in dermatology

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It is an external treatment, complementing the effect of local and systemic drugs.

Actinotherapy and phototherapy[edit | edit source]


Nowadays, ionizing radiation is used as little as possible, mainly Buck's rays (boundary rays) - soft radiation with short wavelengths at the interface between UV and X-ray, absorbed in 1-2 mm of skin.

Contact x-ray lamp according to Chaoul - short focus, destructive effect.

  • Used mainly for tumors.
Acne vulgaris
Lichen ruber
Dermatologic laser

Surface x-ray therapy - little used today.

Solux lamp[edit | edit source]

A source of infrared radiation to induce rapid hyperemia and warm up the given part (resorption of inflammation, stimulation of repairation...).

Mercury discharge lamp ("the mountain sun")[edit | edit source]

  • UV source.
  • Treatment of psoriasis, acne vulgaris, atopic eczema, etc.
  • It does not fully replace the sun, it has a lot of UVC.
  • Kromayer's lamp – concentrates the rays on a small area of the skin.
  • PUVA - photochemotherapy - psoriasis, parapsoriasis, mycosis fungoides, psoralen sensitization, irradiated in special cabins, UVA with a maximum of 365 nm.

Electrocautery[edit | edit source]

  • A platinum loop red-hot with an electric current.
  • Diathermocoagulation.
  • Destruction or coagulation of warts, small tumors, telangiectasias, for epilation, opening of folliculitis, nematodes, abscesses, etc.

Laser[edit | edit source]

Laser is a quantum amplifier of light radiation. The quality of the coherent beam depends mainly on the laser medium – solid, liquid or gas.

In dermatology:

  • argon laser (514nm) for capillary hemangiomas.
  • CO2 laser (10000nm) to remove small skin lesions by vaporization (warts, condylomata accuminata, m. Recklinghausen...).
  • Helium-neon laser – biostimulating and analgesic effects.

Cryotherapy[edit | edit source]

Ways of cryotherapy:

  • Freezing, either carbon dioxide "dry snow" gags (-60 to -70°C).
  • More often with liquid nitrogen (-193 °C), it lasts one to two days in a thermos.
  • Freezing causes inflammation, or even necrosis.

Ultrasound[edit | edit source]

Ultrasound is used to treat diseases with an increased tendency to new tissue formation (keloid, scleroderma, induratio penis plastica).

Dermabrasion and minor surgery[edit | edit source]

It is used, for example, scar abrasion, tattoo artists - rotary grinders.

Sources[edit | edit source]