Overview of established pharmaceutical drugs

From WikiLectures

Aqua carminativa rubra[edit | edit source]

  • red wind water
  • aqueous solution of essential oils with the addition of ethanol , flavored with simple syrup and colored
    • aurantii amari etheroleum, carvi etheroleum; caryophylli etheroleum; cinnamomi etheroleum; foeniculi etheroleum; macidis etheroleum; mentae piperitae etheroleum; citronellae etheroleum; coriander ether oleum; citri etheroleum; ethanol; syrupus simplex; ponceau 4R R; black brilliant RN R; purified water; talc
  • to reduce the formation of gas in the intestines during flatulence, slightly antibacterial and spasmolytic
  • spoon several times a day

Tincture amara[edit | edit source]

  • bitter tincture
  • alcoholic extract from herbal drugs containing bitters
    • bitter clover leaf, wormwood seed, sweet orange fruit, gentian root, trifolium leaf, cinnamon essential oil, alcohol
  • to support appetite in case of anorexia of various etiologies, in case of dyspepsia , vegetative dystonia and low secretion of gastric juices
  • 15-45 drops (usually 20) in a glass of water half an hour before meals three times a day
  • active substances penetrate into breast milk

Unguentum Holt[edit | edit source]

  • Holt's Ointment
  • symptomatic treatment of itching, keratoplasty effect, also used for superficial redness and eczema