Occipital lobe syndrome

From WikiLectures


It is characterized by visual symptoms such as:

  • homonymous hemianopsia',
  • cortical blindness with a bilateral lesion in the area of fissura calcarina;[1] optokinetic nystagmus is gone, the photoreaction is preserved[2]
  • phosphenes or visual pseudohallucinations arise from an irritating lesion,
  • alexia, visual agnosia in lesions of the speech-dominant hemisphere. [1].

Among the most common causes are thrombosis or embolism in the area of the aa. cerebri posteriores.[2]


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  1. a b AMBLER, Zdeněk. Základy neurologie. 6. edition. Prague : Galen, 2006. 351 pp. ISBN 80-7262-433-4.
  2. a b NEVŠÍMALOVÁ, Sonia – RUŽIČKA, Evžen – TICHÝ, Jiří. Neurologie. 1. edition. Prague : Galen, 2005. 367 pp. ISBN 80-7262-160-2.