Nasal cavity (boundaries, sinus openings), vessels and nerves

From WikiLectures

Boundaries of Nasal Cavity[edit | edit source]

Superior Boundaries[edit | edit source]

  1. Nasal bones
  2. Nasal part of frontal bone
  3. Cribriform plate (ethmoid bone)
  4. Sphenoid bone
Anterior and external view of nasal cavity

Lateral Boundaries[edit | edit source]

Nose and nasal cavities
  1. Nasal Bone
  2. Lacrimal Bone
  3. Ethmoid Bone
  4. Inferior Nasal Concha (or turbine)
  5. Palatine Bone
  6. Medial Pterygoid of Sphenoid Bone
  7. Maxilla Bone

Medial Boundaries[edit | edit source]

  1. Nasal septumucous part
  2. Cartilaginous part - Septal cartilage
  3. Bony part - Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone & Vomer

Inferior Boundaries[edit | edit source]

  1. Horizontal plate of palatine bone
  2. Palatine process of maxilla

Sinus Openings[edit | edit source]

Paranasal sinuses

Sphenoethmoidal Recess Sinus Openings[edit | edit source]

  1. Sphenoid sinus

Superior Nasal Meatus Sinus Openings[edit | edit source]

  1. Posterior ethmoidal air cells

Middle Nasal Meatus Sinus Openings[edit | edit source]

  1. Frontal sinus (semilunar hiatus)
  2. Anterior ethmoidal air cells (semilunar hiatus)
  3. Maxillary sinus (semilunar hiatus)
  4. Middle ethmoidal air cells (bulla ethmoidalis)

Inferior Nasal Meatus Sinus Openings[edit | edit source]

  1. Nasolacrimal duct

Vessels of Nasal Cavity[edit | edit source]

Arterial Supply[edit | edit source]

Maxillary artery branches

The nasal cavity receives innervation from both external and internal carotid arteries.

Branches from external carotid artery include:

  • Maxillary -> Sphenopalatine
  • Maxillary -> Descending palatine -> Greater palatine
  • Facial -> Superior labial

Branches from Internal carotid artery include:

  • Opthalmic -> Anterior & posterior ethmoidal

Arterial Supply of Lateral Nasal Wall[edit | edit source]

  • Posterior lateral nasal branch (sphenopalatine)
  • Anterior ethmoidal branches
  • Middle ethmoidal branches
  • Lateral nasal branches of superior labial artery

Arterial Supply of Medial Nasal Wall[edit | edit source]

  • Nasopalatine artery
  • Greater palatine artery

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