Masseter reflex

From WikiLectures

Musculus masseter

The Masseter reflex is elicited by tapping the examiner's finger with a mallet placed across the examinee's chin, with the patient's [[oral cavity|mouth] slightly open. The equipment of this reflex belongs to the examination of the function n. trigeminus. In a healthy patient, the response is a quick and reasonable advance of closing the lower jaw, which is given by the contraction of the muscle of mastication.[1]

'Increased masseter reflex may be present in patients with pseudobulbar syndrome, in bulbar syndrome the reflex is absent. Furthermore, increased reflexes are common in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.[2] Play.pngMasseterový reflex (video, neurologie 1.LF UK)

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  1. ROTH, Jan – FIALA, Ondřej – RUŽIČKA, Eugene. Neurological examination - norm [online]. [cit. 2012-11-22]. <>.
  2. OBLIVIOUS, Sonia – RUŽIČKA, Eugene – QUIET, George. Neurology. 1. edition. Prague : Galen, 2002. 368 pp. pp. 80. ISBN 80-7262-160-2.

Done by: Eisa Jbara