Mamma non lactans (SFLT)

From WikiLectures

Mamma non lactans, Preparation No. 1[edit | edit source]

Mamma nonlactans, connective stroma.

In the resting mammary gland we find mainly the connective stroma, in which there are occasional clusters of tubules (ducts).

Mamma non lactans, Preparation No. 2[edit | edit source]

Outlets of the resting mammary gland.

The outlets of the resting mammary gland are lined with a single-layered cuboidal epithelium.

Mamma non lactans, Preparation No. 3[edit | edit source]

Mamma non lactans (HE)

In the resting mammary gland we find mainly connective stroma, in which there are occasional clusters of tubules (ducts) without visible secretion.

Skin System[edit | edit source]

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