Magnetic properties of nuclei, nuclear magneton

From WikiLectures

Nucleons have their own magnetic moment - spin (1/2 ħ).

Division by spin[edit | edit source]

  1. Nuclei with an odd number of protons and neutrons (odd-odd nuclei) or nucleons (even-odd) have a resulting spin different from zero and thus a non-zero magnetic moment , because both protons and neutrons are shaped by el. charged quarks.
  2. The sudo-even cores have a zero resulting spin.

The nuclear spin can be expressed as the product of the nuclear spin number I and Dir. constants and nuclei with spin. with the number I ≥ 1/2 they have (2I + 1) stable energy states'.

Magnetic moment[edit | edit source]

For nuclei with I > 0, we can observe the phenomena of nuclear magnetic resonance.

We express the magnitude of the magnetic moment of the nucleus in units of the nuclear magneton (e. ħ/2mp= 5.05.10-27 A.m-2</ sup>), which is 658 times smaller than the Bohr magneton.

Since the proton is composed of quarks, its magnetic moment is 2.8 nuclear magnetons (neutron 1.9).


The ferromagnetic properties of substances are caused by the magnetic properties of the unpaired electrons in the atomic shell.

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Source[edit | edit source]

  • KUBATOVA, Senta. Biofot [online]. [cit. 2011-01-31]. <!CM6zAi6z/biofot-doc>.