
From WikiLectures

lateral hemagglutinin

Lectins are proteins or lipopolysaccharides of plant or bacterial origin that associate with membrane receptors.

  • mitogenic lectins: stimulate mitoses,
    • use of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to stimulate mitosis of lymphocytes from peripheral blood (diagnostic purposes).
  • non-mitogenic lectins: other manifestations of functional activity of sensitive cells.
    • preventing sperm cells from entering the unfertilized egg (the egg behaves as if it has already been fertilized).

The transmission of stimuli from lectin-associated cellular receptors to the cytoplasm is explained by the activation of universal cellular mediators (cAMP, cGMP).

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  • ŠTARK, Otakar – KAPRAS, Jan. Lekarská biologia a genetika 1. 1. edition. Praha : Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1987.