Inorganic vaginismus

From WikiLectures

  • ICD–10: 'Nonorganic vaginismus F52.5

Vaginismus is a sexual dysfunction characterized by strong and involuntary muscle contractions of the vaginal entrance during attempted penetration. Each dilation is significantly painful. A neurotic superstructure may also be present. The typical contractions of the vagina are sometimes accompanied by rejection reactions to attempted immiseration, up to reluctance and resistance to every touch on the genitals. In the vast majority of cases we observed, it was a primary disorder. Vaginismus is a frequent cause of an unconsummated marriage. It is interesting about such couples how long, often many years, they can live in a happy marriage, with regular but only non-coital sexual relations.

Therapy of vaginismus consists in the gradual and patient dilation of the mentioned vaginal spasms. Ideally, a properly managed couple will deal with the problem. After the initial dilation with the fingers, we usually put on a smaller vaginal vibrator.

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Author: doc. MD Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc. (head of the Institute of Sexology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine and VFN)