Hygiene during pregnancy

From WikiLectures

Regular hygiene is an integral part of everyday life , hygiene is no exception during pregnancy, but there are certain rules that we must follow or pay attention to during pregnancy.

Body hygiene during pregnancy[edit | edit source]

During pregnancy, there may be an increased secretion of sweat or sebaceous glands , therefore regular showering with lukewarm water or a short bath in lukewarm water is recommended . However, as already mentioned, lukewarm water is always recommended, a hot bath or shower can cause many serious defects or diseases of the fetus . In the first trimester, a hot bath can cause cleavage defects or more serious damage to the embryo or its death. In the following months, taking a hot bath reduces the risk of damage to the fetus, but premature birth can be induced.

Vaginal douches[edit | edit source]

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to do vaginal douches or to use irritating soap, because it can violate the natural acidity of the vagina and thus easily make the way for germs.

Dental hygiene during pregnancy[edit | edit source]

Dental hygiene is an inherent part of pregnancy. A pregnant woman is recommended to visit her dentist or dental hygienist twice during her pregnancy . Ideally, the visit should take place at the beginning of the second trimester and at the end of pregnancy . During pregnancy, the risk of tooth and gum disease increases. Teeth whitening during pregnancy is considered inappropriate and not recommended. If the mother-to-be wants to prevent tooth decay, this can be achieved by increasing the supply of xylitol in the form of e.g. mouthwash. We also recommend a brush with a small head, a straight cut of soft bristles and an ergonomic handle, as well as a single-bundle brush, an interdental brush and dental floss.

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