Health promotion in companies

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It is the effort of the employer, but also of his employees (and thus the entire working society) not only to prevent diseases, but above all to improve physical and mental health and well-being at work (employees and employers). It is based on understanding the meaning, changing attitudes and voluntary behavior change. Support for the health of employees' families can also be part of it.

As a desirable byproduct of this effort, employers are offered:

  • increase in labor productivity
  • reduction of absenteeism
  • increasing work morale
  • stress reduction
  • improving the quality of life of employees
  • optimization of good manufacturing practice

Ways to promote health[edit | edit source]

There are several generally applicable principles for how a company can positively influence the health of its employees. However, all such measures should be consulted with the occupational physician. In practice, it concerns the prevention and control of obesity ,cancer , cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

  1. Physical movement - appropriate physical movement can compensate for unilateral workload. The business can build a gym or exercise room for employees, or provide them with vouchers for swimming or other sports. Furthermore, it can support local sports events, create its own sports section.
  2. Improve the quality of meals - the company's canteen seems to be the ideal tool. Offer a range of foods with a lower content of fat and carbohydrates, increase the intake of vegetables and fruits, limit sweetened sodas. Another option is to influence the range of food offered to employees in the buffet or food shop on the premises of the company.
  3. Cultivate a good psychosocial climate at the workplace - the basis for employee satisfaction. The presence of stress in the workplace can also be caused by the wrong classification of an employee who cannot handle the tasks assigned to him or, conversely, when the employee cannot fully develop his abilities. In general, as work demands increase, so does stress. Cooperation with a psychologist often resolves the situation. It also includes the prevention of addictions ( cigarette smoking , alcoholism ) and care for the pleasant appearance of the working environment.

It is necessary that such measures are not carried out individually, taken out of context, otherwise they will lose their meaning. Health promotion in the company means a set of systematic measures that preferably include all the above items. The support of the company's management (setting an example) and the support of the occupational physician are absolutely necessary.

A bit of history[edit | edit source]

Tomáš Baťa is considered a pioneer in this area , who developed comprehensive employee care in his companies. In addition to providing quality housing close to work and workplace health care, he also developed extracurricular activities and education for employees and their families.

Links[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  • SLIVA, Jiří. Safety and health protection at work in small and medium-sized enterprises: a guide for employers. 2nd edition. Prague: Tigis, 2004.  ISBN 8070712481 .
  • TUČEK, Milan, Miroslav CIKRT and Daniela PELCLOVÁ. Occupational medicine for practice : A handbook with recommended standards. 1st edition. Prague: Grada Publishing, 2005. 328 pp.  ISBN 80-247-0927-9 .