Glandulae vesiculosae

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Male genital system, 10 – Glandula vesiculosa

Glandulae vesiculosae, vesiculae seminales or seminal vesicles are bladder-shaped glands that are formed by a system of irregularly enlarged tubular formations. They represent accessory sex glands with dimensions of 4–5 cm x 1.5 cm and tubular diameters of 3–4 mm.

Both glandulae vesiculosae have ducts, ductuli excretorii, which connect with the ductuli deferentes, to form ductuli ejaculatorii, which end in the pars prostatica urethrae. They are located subperitoneally, laterally from the ampoule ductus deferens, under the immersion of the urethra into the fundus vesicae.

the septum rectovesicale participates in their fixation and they are cranially touched by the excavatio rectovesicalis.

Histology[edit | edit source]

Glandulae vesiculosae are composed of three layers:

  • tunica mucosa;
  • tunica muscularis;
  • tunica adventitia.

Tunica mucosa is formed by numerous branching cilia formed by a single- to bilayered columnar epithelium. In the mucous membrane are embedded goblet-shaped cells, whose role is the secretion of part of the ejaculate. Part of the tunica mucosa is lamina propria mucosae consisting of loose collagenous connective tissue. Under the mucosa is located smooth muscle, tunica muscularis, composed of two layers. Superficial, longitudinal and internal, circular. The last layer is the tunica adventitia, which covers the glandulae vesiculosae and feeds the nerves and vessels.

Vascular supply[edit | edit source]

Glandulae vesiculosae do not have their own vascular supply, therefore arterial blood is supplied by arteries from surrounding organs, a. vesicalis inferior (a. iliaca interna), a. , a.  vesicalis inferior (a. iliaca interna), a. rectalis media (a.mesenterica inferior – a. illiaca interna) a a. ductus deferentis (variant of spacing: a. vesicalis inferior/ a. umbilicalis /a. iliaca interna).

Deoxygenated blood is drained into the plexus plexus venosus vesicalis and plexus venosus prostaticus, which communicate with each other (v. iliaca interna). Lymph drains into the nodi, lymphatici iliaci interni et externi.

Anatomical innervation is provided by the hypogastricus inferior plexus.

Features[edit | edit source]

The main function of glandulae vesiculosae is the production of alkaline secretions, which make up more than half of the ejaculate (about 70%) and adjust the pH suitable for sperm. It contains fructose as an energy source for sperm movement, citrate, inositol and prostaglandins acting on the smooth muscle of the genital tract in women. testosterone is responsible for its secretion.

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Source[edit | edit source]

  • PETROVICKÝ, Pavel. Anatomy with Topography and Clinical Applications : Musculoskeletal Organs.. 1st edition. 2001. 463 pp. vol. 1. ISBN 80-8063-046-1.

  • MARTÍNEK, Jindřich – VACEK, Zdeněk. Histological atlas. 1. edition. 2009. 136 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-2393-8.

  • JUNQUIERA, L. Carlos – CARNEIRO, José – KELLEY, Robert O. Basics of histology. 1. edition. 1997. 502 pp. ISBN 80-85787-37-7.