
From WikiLectures

Ergotherapy also known as occupational therapy is a field of rehabilitation. It tries to achieve the highest possible quality of life for a person with a disability (physical or mental) through meaningful activity. Occupational therapy is holistically focused - it tries to understand the client and his environment and respect his wishes when creating a therapy plan. The occupational therapist works within a multidisciplinary team.

The term treatment of work is currently being dropped because it does not correspond to the current concept of occupational therapy.

An occupational therapist can work in:

  • hospital - in wards for children and adults (traumatology, ICU, oncology, neonatology, psychiatry, rheumatology), in spas;
  • social facilities - homes for the elderly, hospitals, therapeutic workshops, sheltered housing;
  • other facilities - rehabilitation medicine clinics, early care, home care.

An occupational therapist can also provide advice on workplace ergonomics or the selection of compensatory aids, but can also work as an assistant for people with disabilities.

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Bibliography[edit | edit source]

  • VOTAVA, Jiří. Ergoterapie a technické pomůcky v rehabilitaci. 1. vydání. Liberec : Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7372-449-8.
  • JELÍNKOVÁ, Jana a Mária KRIVOŠÍKOVÁ. Ergoterapie. 1. vydání. Praha : Portál, 2009. 270 s. ISBN 978-80-7367-583-7.