Diagnostic imaging methods in ENT

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Plain x-ray image[edit | edit source]

Chest X-ray[edit | edit source]

X-ray of the chest is usually indicated to rule out inflammatory changes in the lung parenchyma and metastatic involvement of the lungs. Another indication is as part of a pre-operative examination. Widening of the upper mediastinum with deviation of the trachea is common in goiter.

Chest X-ray: lung metastases
Chest X-ray: Goiter

X-ray image of the upper thoracic aperture[edit | edit source]

Lately, he's been retreating thanks to computed tomography. As in a plain image, a goitre can be suspected in unilateral enlargement of the upper mediastinum and deviation of the trachea. Variations of the skeleton, such as the cervical rib or the processus megatransversus, tend to be more of an accidental finding.

X-ray C spine and upper thoracic aperture: processus megatransversus C7

X-ray native image of the neck[edit | edit source]

A native image of the neck in lateral projection can be useful in the diagnosis of edema and inflammation of the epiglottis. Subglottic narrowing of the trachea subglottically may indicate croup.

X-ray of petrous bones[edit | edit source]

An image in the Stenvers projection is most often indicated to rule out mastoiditis, which is manifested by reduced transparency of the mastoid vaults. Chronic changes are evidenced by the reduction of vaults, strengthening and sclerotization of the septa. Schuller and Rundstrom's calcium bone projections are receding into the background today with the availability of CT.

X-ray in Stenvers, Schuller and Rundstrom projection: chronic mastoiditis
X-ray in Schuller projection: bilateral chronic mastoiditis

X-ray lbi in Waters projection[edit | edit source]

A semi-axial image of the labia with the mouth open is indicated when pathology in the area of the maxillary sinuses is suspected - most often acute or chronic sinusitis. In chronic sinusitis, obscuration of the respective cavity or the edge of the thickened mucoperiosteal lining is often noticeable. In acute sinusitis, the level of fluid (secretion) is sometimes shown. With a well-executed projection, the area of the ethmoids, sphenoid and frontal sinuses can sometimes be evaluated. A mastoid process is also visible at the edge.

X-ray lbi in Waters projection: chronic sinusitis USG neck: medial cervical cyst
USG neck: pathologically infiltrated nodes
USG neck: activated lymph nodes
USG thyroid: thyroiditis

Computed Tomography (CT)[edit | edit source]

CT of the paranasal sinuses[edit | edit source]

Native CT examination is performed using a low-dose technique, the most common indications are chronic inflammatory changes - thickened lining, polyps, cysts and postoperative conditions.

CT VDN: foreign body and chronic sinusitis
X-ray lbi in Waters projection: pansinusitis
X-ray lbi in Waters projection: osteoma of frontal sinus

X-ray lbi in PA projection[edit | edit source]

The projection is suitable for displaying frontal sines, possibly. and ethmoids.

X-ray lbi in PA projection: fibrous dysplasia of os frontalis

X-ray orbit[edit | edit source]

Projection on the orbital area to exclude especially traumatic changes of the floor and medial wall of the orbit or pneumoorbit.

X-ray of the floor of the mouth[edit | edit source]

Intraoral image to show sialolithiasis in Wharton's duct, rather a dental indication.

Contrast X-ray examination[edit | edit source]

Sialography[edit | edit source]

This is a contrast examination of Wharton's or Stensen's duct after their nasonization and injection of iodine contrast substance, rather a dental indication.

Ultrasound (UZ)[edit | edit source]

Ultrasound examination is a basic imaging method in the examination of soft tissues of the head and neck, excellent imaging of the thyroid gland, neck nodes, submandibular and parotid salivary glands, large vessels of the neck, non-neoplastic expansions, tumors. Ultrasound can also be used to a limited extent to visualize the structures of the larynx.
