Cytoreductive surgery

From WikiLectures

CRS – Cytoreduction surgery is a procedure in which visible masses in the abdominal cavity are removed. It is a complex operation and is performed by surgeons with many years of experience.

During the operation, the peritoneum, omentum majus, omentum minus, liver capsules and parts of tumors on the surface of the intestines are removed. Resection of the part of the small or large intestine that is most affected may also be performed.

An ilestomy is also often performed as an addition to allow for better and safer healing. The duration of the entire operation is between 6-11 hours.

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Literature[edit | edit source]

  • JOSEF, Vodička,. Speciální chirurgie. - edition. Karolinum Press, 2014. 318 pp. ISBN 9788024625126.