Trendelenburg test

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Last update: Tuesday, 10 Nov 2020 at 5.44 am.

It is the examination of the patency of superficial venous system and perforators of lower limbs made before varicose vein surgery. The test allows to assess the function of veins valves and to locate the area of insufficient perforators. The test is performed in various modifications. We elevate the patient´s lower limb and, after emptying the superficial veins, place tourniquets (modification with three tourniquets-below the groin, above the knee and below the knee=Trendelenburg-Barrow test).

Firstly we assess filling of crural veins while standing. We assume the insufficiency of Cockett perforators according to speed of venous filling (up to 30s). We release the tourniquets if the varices do not fill up.

  • Filling of varicose veins on the inner side of lower leg informs about the insufficiency of junction under a knee
  • On outer and posterior crural area-about the insufficiency of v. saphena parva
  • When the tourniquet is released-it shows filling of varicose veins of junction of Hunter´s canal
  • The filling of the varicose veins after releasing of the tourniquet under the groin shows the insufficiency of basin of v.saphena

Simpler examination with one tourniquet under the groin and rough assessment of varices filling = the Brodie-Trendelenburg test

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Kategorie:Interní propedeutika