The effects of different types of current on the organism

From WikiLectures

A type of current electrolytic effects irritant effects thermal effects
direct current + only when suddenly changed, switched on or off
alternating low frequency faintly +
alternating high frequency +

The body's aqueous environment contains ions - an electrolyte. Direct current therefore has electrolytic effects on the body , and current densities of around 0.5 mA/cm 2 can cause serious tissue damage.

Alternating low-frequency (50–500 Hz) current has only weak electrolytic effects because the polarity of the electrodes alternates periodically. However, it has significant irritating effects , which are manifested on the muscle by its twitching (and when it passes through the heart muscle , it can cause it to stop).

Alternating high-frequency current has no electrolytic effects, and at frequencies above 100 kHz, there are no irritating effects at all. Thermal effects are fully applied here .