The Toxicological Information Center

From WikiLectures

The Toxicological Information Center (TIS) is a 24-hour nationwide medical telephone information service that provides information in cases of acute poisoning of humans and animals. TIS provides information on first aid and other measures to both lay people and doctors, mostly during the first phone call. The task of TIS is to prevent the occurrence of intoxication (preventive programs contributing to greater public awareness) and at the same time to favorably influence the course of accidents that have already occurred (telephonic provision of information to lay people and doctors will enable proper first aid and optimal patient care) .

TIS does not provide information on: the carcinogenic effects of substances, the effect of chemical substances on the fetus, adverse drug effects, the effect of chemical substances on the environment.

The department was established in 1962, later organizationally it became a department of the already existing Clinic for Occupational Diseases of the then Faculty of Medicine in Prague. Prof. is behind the birth. Jaroslav Teisinger (1902-1985), the first appointed head of the clinic.

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