Taxe examination

From WikiLectures


Examination of the taxa on the upper limbs

The taxa examination is used to assess the function of the cerebellum. It is performed by having the patient touch the nose or earlobe with a finger on the forearm and alternately with the left and right hand while open, or eyes closed. Another form of examination is that the patient alternately touches his nose and an object held by the examiner. During the examination, the examiner gradually changes the localization of the object in space and evaluates the accuracy and proportionality of the movement, or if tremor is present during movement.[1]

With poor coordination of movements and overshooting, we speak of ataxia.[2]

Taxa examination – physiological findings (Neurology 1.LF UK) - /

Taxa examination – pathological finding (Neurology 1.LF UK) -

Examination of the taxa on the lower limbs

The examination tax is used to assess the function of the cerebellum. It is performed by asking the patient to lie on his back and, without visual control, touch the heel of one leg to the knee of the other leg and bring the heel down to the instep. We monitor the trajectory and targeting of movement[3].

With poor coordination of movements and overshooting, we speak of ataxia[4].

Taxa examination – physiological findings (Neurology 1.LF UK) -

Taxa examination – pathological finding (Neurology 1.LF UK) -


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  1. ROTH, Jan – FIALA, Ondřej – RUŽIČKA, Eugene. Neurological examination - norm [online]. [cit. 2012-11-22]. <>.
  2. -, -. Big Medical Dictionary [online]. Maxdorf, ©2008. [cit. 2012-12-21]. <>.
  3. ROTH, Jan – FIALA, Ondřej – RUŽIČKA, Eugene. Neurological examination - norm [online]. [cit. 2012-11-22]. <>.
  4. -, -. Big Medical Dictionary [online]. Maxdorf, ©2008. [cit. 2012-12-21]. <>.