Sulcus bicipitalis medialis

From WikiLectures

sulcus bicipitalis medialis
Border dorsally back group of arm muscles
Border ventrally Front group of arm muscles
Content n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis, v. basilica

It is a soft groove on the medial side of the arm that separates the muscles of the anterior and posterior regio brachialis groups. It is conditioned by drawing the fascia brachii into the depth by the intermuscular septum – septum intermusculare brachii mediale. Together with the sulcus bicipitalis lateralis, two septa and the humerus, it defines two osteofacial spaces – regio brachii anterior and regio brachii posterior. There is a sensitive branch of the fasciculus medialis for the medial side of the forearm – nervus cutaneus antebrachii medialis together with the superficial vein of the vena basilica.

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  • GRIM, Miloš – DRUGA, Rastislav. Základy anatomie : 5. Anatomie krajin těla. 1. edition. Praha : Galén, 2008. 119 pp. ISBN ISBN 978-80-7262-179-8..