Category history - Discussion

From WikiLectures

{| class = 'wikitable'
! width='110'|Time
! width='300'|Page Name
! width='230'|Author of this revision
! Description
! width='40'|Flags
! Notice 1
! Notice 2
| 2024-01-25 15:38
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Jakubkvasnak|Jakub Jan Kvašňák]]
| /* References */
| 2023-11-24 20:48
| [{{fullurl:Chronic eating disorders|action=history}} Chronic eating disorders]
| [[User:Jakubkvasnak|Jakub Jan Kvašňák]]
| /* Used literature */
| 2023-11-24 20:14
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Jakubkvasnak|Jakub Jan Kvašňák]]
| /* Source */
| 2023-05-07 09:49
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-05-01 15:33
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-05-01 15:31
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-05-01 15:30
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-05-01 15:25
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-05-01 15:19
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-05-01 15:15
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-05-01 14:34
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| 2023-04-27 12:17
| [{{fullurl:Amphetamines|action=history}} Amphetamines]
| [[User:Zucchini|Matouš Zuchnický]]
| Created page with "{{diskuse}} {{Pracuje se}}

{{Cave|}}'''UPOZORNĚNÍ: ČLÁNEK OBSAHUJE ZÁVAŽNÉ NEDOSTATKY A BUDE PŘEPRACOVÁN !{{Cave|}}''' Pro další informace využijte dopor..."

| 2023-04-02 18:15
| [{{fullurl:Malformation|action=history}} Malformation]
| [[User:Fahnrica|Anna Fähnrichová]]
| me
| 2023-03-30 18:30
| [{{fullurl:Malformation|action=history}} Malformation]
| [[User:Dandeliondodo|Doriane Doubali]]
| 2023-03-30 18:26
| [{{fullurl:Malformation|action=history}} Malformation]
| [[User:Dandeliondodo|Doriane Doubali]]
| Created page with "{{Diskuse}} '''Malformace''' jsou vrozené vývojové vady – vrozené morfologické odchylky přesahující normální variabilitu spojené s významnými tvarovými a funk..."
| 2023-03-11 13:25
| [{{fullurl:Facial nerve palsy|action=history}} Facial nerve palsy]
| [[User:Andyra|Andrea Rashovska]]
| Checked by the editor, grammar has NOT been corrected
| 2023-03-11 08:19
| [{{fullurl:Facial nerve palsy|action=history}} Facial nerve palsy]
| [[User:Darsh jhala|Darsh Jaresh Jhala]]
| 2023-03-10 18:49
| [{{fullurl:Facial nerve palsy|action=history}} Facial nerve palsy]
| [[User:Darsh jhala|Darsh Jaresh Jhala]]
| 2023-03-10 18:38
| [{{fullurl:Facial nerve palsy|action=history}} Facial nerve palsy]
| [[User:Darsh jhala|Darsh Jaresh Jhala]]
| 2023-03-10 18:35
| [{{fullurl:Facial nerve palsy|action=history}} Facial nerve palsy]
| [[User:Darsh jhala|Darsh Jaresh Jhala]]
| Created page with "Nervus facialis je smíšený nerv, který má složku somatomotorickou, visceromotorickou, senzitivní a senzorickou. Dělí se na n. facialis a n. intermedius. == Anatomick..."
| 2023-02-10 20:18
| [{{fullurl:Tumor stroma as a therapeutic target|action=history}} Tumor stroma as a therapeutic target]
| [[User:Hai Yen|Hai Yen Nguyenová]]
| 2023-02-10 20:07
| [{{fullurl:Tumor stroma as a therapeutic target|action=history}} Tumor stroma as a therapeutic target]
| [[User:Hai Yen|Hai Yen Nguyenová]]
| From: Wikiskripta: Nádorové stroma jako léčebný cíl (
| 2023-02-10 20:05
| [{{fullurl:Tumor stroma as a therapeutic target|action=history}} Tumor stroma as a therapeutic target]
| [[User:Hai Yen|Hai Yen Nguyenová]]
| From: Wikiskripta: Nádorové stroma jako léčebný cíl (
| 2022-12-18 18:45
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Mohammad Manouchehri|Mohammad Manouchehri]]
| 2022-12-18 18:37
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Mohammad Manouchehri|Mohammad Manouchehri]]
| 2022-12-18 18:34
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Mohammad Manouchehri|Mohammad Manouchehri]]
| 2022-12-18 18:30
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Mohammad Manouchehri|Mohammad Manouchehri]]
| 2022-12-18 18:27
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Mohammad Manouchehri|Mohammad Manouchehri]]
| 2022-12-18 18:26
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Mohammad Manouchehri|Mohammad Manouchehri]]
| 2022-12-18 17:53
| [{{fullurl:Diabetic ketoacidosis|action=history}} Diabetic ketoacidosis]
| [[User:Mohammad Manouchehri|Mohammad Manouchehri]]
| i made new page for DB ketoacidoses
| 2022-04-19 18:55
| [{{fullurl:Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases|action=history}} Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases]
| [[User:Andyra|Andrea Rashovska]]
| checked by the editor
| 2022-04-15 08:16
| [{{fullurl:Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases|action=history}} Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases]
| [[User:Veronikajarosova|Veronika Jarošová]]
| Translation
| 2022-04-15 08:13
| [{{fullurl:Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases|action=history}} Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases]
| [[User:Veronikajarosova|Veronika Jarošová]]
| 2022-04-15 07:52
| [{{fullurl:Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases|action=history}} Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune diseases]
| [[User:Veronikajarosova|Veronika Jarošová]]
| Original text from Wikiskripta: Laboratorní diagnostika autoimunitních onemocnění []
| 2020-12-01 22:38
| [{{fullurl:Chronic eating disorders|action=history}} Chronic eating disorders]
| [[User:SCFB112|Shawn Britto]]
| me
| 2020-12-01 22:33
| [{{fullurl:Chronic eating disorders|action=history}} Chronic eating disorders]
| [[User:SCFB112|Shawn Britto]]
| 2020-12-01 22:22
| [{{fullurl:Chronic eating disorders|action=history}} Chronic eating disorders]
| [[User:SCFB112|Shawn Britto]]
| Original Text From Wikiscripta: Chronické poruchy výživy (
| me
| 2020-12-01 22:18
| [{{fullurl:Chronic eating disorders|action=history}} Chronic eating disorders]
| [[User:SCFB112|Shawn Britto]]
| Original Text From Wikiscripta: Chronické poruchy výživy (

Explanatory Notes
Flags: me - minor edit, d - deleted.