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Last update: Friday, 05 Feb 2021 at 5.04 pm.

Short handout by Coiled.)

Define sleep

Non REM – 3 phases, REM beta and theta

N1 5%

N2 45%

N3 25% N3 shortens during the night and disappears in the morning

REM 25% prolongs during the night

Take nap only for max of 30 minutes, no longer.

Non REM – telencephalic sleep

REM – Rhombencephalic – no movement except eyes

Sleep disorders

Dyssomnias – old term, not used in the new ICSD-3 classification, used to be group where the length of the sleeping time was the main parameter, thus insomnia or hypersomnia.

Parasomnias – still used in ICSD-3 » parasomnia means that there is something para = additional to sleep. You do not care too mach about the length of sleep, you care that during sleep something additional happens –> like sleep-walk, sleep-sex, bruxism, somniloquy=sleep-talking, night-mare, night-terror » in older classification, all of these were under parasomnias. In newer classification, e.g. bruxism and RLS have their own category, as you can see below.


1. Insomnias – psychophysiological, idiopathic, sleeping hygiene…

2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)

3. Narcolepsy

4. Circadian rhythm

5. Parasomnias

6. Movement disorders during sleep – Bruxism and Restless Leg Syndrome.

Comment ad 2.)

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) vs. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) The point is, that in OSA during apnoic pause (no air flow from and out of the nose), you should see chest movement (there is obstruction in retroglossal space). In case of CSA, the problem is within the CNS respiratory centers and there is no obstruction, thus in case of apnoic pause (again no air flow), you will not see chest movement.