Round ligament of uterus

From WikiLectures

Progress of the lig. teres uteri
The function of lig. teres uteri in pregnancy

Ligamentum teres uteri ( round, round ligament of the uterus ) is a strip of ligament that departs bilaterally from the uterine horns, leads through the inguinal canal of the woman to the ipsilateral labium majus . It helps to fix the position of the uterus during pregnancy , maintains anteversion . The enlarging uterus increases the tension on these ligaments, which can cause pain . Lig. the teres uteri developed from the embryonic gubernaculum in association with the development of the external genitalia .

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  • VOKURKA, Martin. Velký lékařský slovník. 7. edition. Maxdorf, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7345-130-1.