Retroperitoneal space

From WikiLectures

The retroperitoneal space is a potential space situated between the posterior abdominal wall and the peritoneum, containing various organs, blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue structures.


The retroperitoneal space serves as a protective and supportive region for the organs and structures it contains,

It stabilizes within the abdominal cavity and shielding them from external trauma.

It plays a crucial role in various physiological functions and serves as a vital anatomical landmark for healthcare professionals.


  • Organs;
  • Primarily retroperitoneal organs developed and remain outside of the parietal peritoneum (oesophagus, rectum and kidneys ).
  • Secondarily retroperitoneal organs were initially intraperitoneal, suspended by mesentery. Through the course of embryogenesis, they became retroperitoneal.

A useful mnemonic to help in recalling which abdominal viscera are retroperitoneal is SAD PUCKER:

  • S = Suprarenal (adrenal) Glands
  • A = Aorta/IVC
  • D =Duodenum (except the proximal 2cm, the duodenal cap)
  • P = Pancreas (except the tail)
  • U = Ureters
  • C = Colon (ascending and descending parts)
  • K = Kidneys
  • E = (O)esophagus
  • R = Rectum
  • Blood Vessels:
    • Abdominal Aorta: The largest artery in the abdomen, which supplies oxygenated blood to the abdominal organs and lower extremities.
    • Inferior Vena Cava: The largest vein in the body, responsible for returning deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart.
    • Renal Arteries and Veins: Blood vessels that supply and drain blood from the kidneys.
    • Mesenteric Arteries and Veins: Blood vessels that supply and drain blood from the intestines.
    • Iliac Arteries and Veins: Blood vessels that supply and drain blood from the pelvis and lower extremities.
  • Nerves:
    • Sympathetic Nervous System: Sympathetic nerves that regulate involuntary functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion.( flight and fight).
    • Parasympathetic Nervous System: Parasympathetic nerves that promote rest and digestion.
    • Splanchnic Nerves: Nerves that innervate the abdominal organs and transmit sensory and motor signals.


The Peritoneum - Visceral - Parietal - TeachMeAnatomy