
From WikiLectures

Curettage - diagram

RCUI (abbr. revisio cavi uteri instrumentalis) is a procedure in which the entire uterine cavity is revised with the help of instruments (curettes). After the dilatation of the cervix dilators, the mucous membrane is gradually removed from the endocervix, front and back wall of the uterus with a curet. Together with the mucous membrane, other "foreign" bodies are removed, such as parts of the fetus or mucous polyps.

The basic procedure of RCUI is also used in miniinterruption, when the fetal egg is disrupted and removed from the uterine cavity.

Tissue obtained during RCUI can be sent for histological and cytological examination. It can therefore also be understood as a biopsy method, it can be used to accurately diagnose diffuse processes in the uterine cavity (dysfunctional endometrium). However, it is not possible to accurately localize a circumscribed process (eg endometrial cancer) because it is performed "blindly", without visual inspection.

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