RDG examination for inflammation of the lower respiratory tract

From WikiLectures


Anatomy[edit | edit source]

The lower respiratory tract includes:

  • larynx ,
  • trachea ,
  • bronchy ,
  • lungs .

Epiglottitis[edit | edit source]

A typical clinic + edematous epiglottis ("thumbprint sign") is displayed on a targeted lateral X-ray.

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Osseous%20block%20C2-3.CR.1_0001.JPG X-ray of the spine in lateral projection: normal image of the epiglottis, which is slender, aryepiglottic algae are unmagnified

Croup[edit | edit source]

Typical clinic in a typical patient + subglottic narrowing ("steeple sign") on a targeted X-ray image in anteroposterior projection.

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Rudim.%20zebra%20proc.%20megastransv.CR.1.001_0001.jpg X-ray of the AP spine: normal image of the larynx and beginning of the trachea

Bronchitis[edit | edit source]

In most cases, X-rays are not well known: rough bronchovascular drawing can also be caused by chronic changes.

Bronchiolitis[edit | edit source]

At HRCT a typical tree-in-bud - an image of a sprouting tree. Bronchiolitis is not the only one that can create this image.

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=TERMINALNI%20BRONCHIOLITIS-CT-2_0001.jpg HRCT of the lungs: tree-in-bud in terminal bronchiolitis
_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Tree%20in%20bud-CT-3_0001.jpg HRCT of the lungs: tree-in-bud in infectious bronchiolitis

Peribronchitis[edit | edit source]

Amplification of peribronchia with small peribronchial infiltrates.

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Akutni%20exacerbace%20chronicek%20bronchitidy.CR.001_0001.jpg Chest X-ray: rough bronchovascular drawing bilaterally paracardially - reinforced bronchial wall, indicated peribronchial infiltrates

Pneumonia[edit | edit source]

Inflammatory conditioning of the lung parenchyma with airy bronchograms and preserved volume of the lung parenchyma (x airiness or compression).

According to the range , it can be specified as:

  • Allar pneumonia: pulmonary wing.
  • Lobar pneumonia: pulmonary lobe.
  • Segmental pneumonia: pulmonary segment.
Chest X-ray: lobar pnemonia
_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Lobarni%20pneumonie,%20sepse-CR-0_0001.jpg Chest X-ray: lobar pnemonia

Bronchopneumonia[edit | edit source]

Combination of peribronchial changes and inflammatory condensation of the lung parenchyma.

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Bronchopneumonia,%20bilateral.CR.1_0001.JPG Chest X-ray: bronchopneumonia

Pleurobronchopneumonia[edit | edit source]

Combination of peribronchial changes and inflammatory condensation of the lung parenchyma.

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Zanet.CR.001_0001.jpg Chest X-ray: pleurobronchopneumonia

Atypical pneumonia[edit | edit source]

Interstitial thickening, ground-glass in combination with infiltrates - an image that does not fall into the above categories, most often in immunocompromised patients .

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Pneumocystis%20pneumonia.CT.2_0001.JPG HRCT of the lungs: pneumocystis pneumonia
_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Atypic%20pneumonia.CT.2_0001.JPG Pulmonary CT: atypical pneumonia

Specific and granulomatous inflammations of the lung parenchyma[edit | edit source]

lung infections _ edit source ][edit | edit source]

  • Aspergillus: only the colonization of the pre-formed cavity.
  • Chronic necrotizing aspergillosis: cotton wool, limited deposit, thick hem.
  • Aspergil bronchopulmonary aspergillosis:
    • dilatation of central bronchi,
    • high density mucus plugs are typical,
    • bronchial wall reinforcement.
  • Bronchoinvasive aspergillosis: spreads through the bronchi, grows into the wall, tree-in-bud, thickens the bronchial wall, ground-glass, mucus plugs, the image of bronchopneumonia.
  • Angioinvasive aspergillosis: a node in the lung parenchyma with a halo (typical), later cavitating, connecting to a blood vessel.
_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=ASPERGILOSA%20PLICNI-CT-0_0001.jpg Pulmonary CT: angioinvasive aspergillosis
_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Kavitace%20pri%20aspergilose.CR.001_0001.jpg Chest X-ray: angioinvasive aspergillosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis[edit | edit source]

There is often a non-specific finding in active tuberculosis - a picture of multiple condensations in the peribronchial distribution, cavities, tree-in-bud, milliary spread, enlarged lymph nodes in the hilum and mediastinum.

_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=TBC%20kaverna%20endobronch%20sireni,%20tree%20in%20bud.CT.6.001_0001.jpg HRCT of the lungs: tuberculosis
_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Lung%20tuberculosis,%20HRCT.CT.4_0001.JPG HRCT of the lungs: tuberculosis

Postspecific changes in elderly patients are common:

  • Peak pachypleuritis.
  • Postspecific node - typically calcification.
  • Fibrous stripes, hilarization.
  • Calcification in nodes.
_fetch_thumbnail.php?img=Postspec.%20zmeny.CR.8.001_0001.jpg class="wikitable" Chest X-ray and HRCT of the lungs: postspecific changes in the lung parenchyma


Pneumonitis[edit | edit source]

Pneumonitis is a broad heterogeneous group of non-infectious inflammations of the lung parenchyma.

Important[edit | edit source]

  • In diff. Consideration is a very important clinical condition of a patient well filled out request.
  • A tumor can also be hidden behind pneumonia.

Links[edit | edit source]

Related articles[edit | edit source]

    • Diagnostic imaging methods in chest examination
    • Pneumonia
      • Infant pneumonia • Pneumonia in older children
      • Bacterial pneumonia • Atypical pneumonia
      • Absent pneumonia

External links[edit | edit source]

    • pictures at atlas.mudr.org

Kategorie:Radiodiagnostika Kategorie:Vnitřní lékařství Kategorie:Pneumologie