Professional vasoneurosis

From WikiLectures


Professional vasoneurosis occurs during long-term work with vibrating machines (pneumatic hammers, jackhammers, grinders, chainsaws).

  • due to hypertrophy of the medial muscle of the finger arteries, vasospasm occurs more easily
  • at work (especially in cold + damp) whiteness of finger + painful paresthesias
  • exceptionally skin trophic changes
  • sometimes it is combined with oppression in the region of the upper thoracic aperture / SKK
  • muscles and bones can also be affected by vibrations
  • difficulties will be alleviated with the termination of hazardous work


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  • KLENER, P, et al. Vnitřní lékařství. 3. edition. Praha : Galén, 2006. ISBN 80-7262-430-X.